Written by: Dan Geer


It seems like only yesterday that PopcornMonster.com was created. I never would have thought it would still be around a decade later, but here we are!

Back then, I did indeed have a bigger vision for what this site could be than what it has actually evolved (or de-evolved) into. Before my professional career as a project manager, I had dreams of becoming a professional movie critic and blogger, providing news, editorials and reviews with a slight bent toward the positive wherever possible (a trait many other film sites are sorely lacking in). It was intended as a casual outlet for me to hone my skills and grow as a writer without being crippled by the cynical world we live in.

However, very quickly it became increasingly apparent that being a movie critic was actually not what I wanted to do with my life, and that running a film site all by myself became exhausting. Funny where life takes you, right?

Granted, writing has been an absolute pleasure. As I grew more as a blogger, the more naturally my words would manifest themselves. I still enjoy it to this day. But becoming a professional, in any format, would mean reviewing all types of TV shows and films, and to be frank, I just couldn’t develop a passion to write about movies or series that I am not dying to see. Can you imagine not only having to sit through Fifty Shades of Grey, but having to write about it as well? Yeesh, count me out.

I must have a pre-existing fanatical interest for what I write about, which is why early on in this site’s history I decided to focus more on sci-fi/fantasy/horror genres, in an attempt to remain invested. You will still see here on occasion that I will post an editorial or review here or there even today, but focusing on TV shows and movies that I am actually passionate about. That is the only way my writing will actually become present and something worthwhile for the reader to spend time on. I have to actually care.

Having said that, covering all the news I wanted to, along with writing editorials and reviews just became too daunting for one man, even after having scaled back to topics I wanted to cover. I’ve written even less in more recent years, even about movies and TV series I do find interesting.

Why this came to be isn’t completely apparent. Perhaps now that I spend more time in front of a computer in my professional life that I just have a really difficult time spending even more time staring at a screen to do anything else. Other times I just cannot find the words, especially when it came to posting about movie trailers and other news. There’s just never much to say anyway, other than “Wow, this looks really awesome,” or “Check out this fantastic trailer.”

Therefore, posting anything newsworthy has since been relegated, for the most part, to Facebook and Twitter. It is really the best way to immediately engage the audience for trailers, news, etc., since we all really know you just want to watch the trailer now, and could care less what I think about it, beyond “I’m into it.”

Does this mean PopcornMonster.com is winding down? I don’t believe so. I’ve just scaled back the site even more, to give it more intense focus when I do write. What is apparent right now is that this site will remain, as well as its presence on social media, even if that does mean far less posts on the site itself. If the right news tidbit comes along that whets the appetite for writing, it’ll be posted here. If a film moves me enough to have something to say, it’ll be posted here. Otherwise, continue to follow on social media and you can be sure to see a steady flow of geek trailers, news, etc. as you always have. In other words, the passion for movies is still there. It’s just not written down as much.

I truly appreciate all readers of this site over the years, whether it’d be your random movie enthusiast, or other movie/TV websites that either forwarded on press releases to be posted here, or linked to my articles on their websites. It has been my pleasure to provide coverage of books, comics and fan campaigns since 2009, as well as to provide unique reviews and editorials of movies, TV shows, etc. It is the hope of this writer that more of it will come your way in the future.

I’d like to thank the following websites in particular for their contributions:

Back to Frank Black
X-Files News
Rebel Force Radio
The X-Files Lexicon
DC Comics

And to all of the readers of PopcornMonster.com, thank you for taking the time to enjoy the site for the last 10 years!


In reminiscing on the history of this website, it seemed appropriate to link back to some of PopcornMonster.com‘s more notable editorials and reviews here. Nostalgia is always good for the soul…

Enjoying Movies: Essential Tips for the Hypercritical Viewer

Book Review: Back to Frank Black: A Return to Chris Carter’s MILLENNIUM

Is it Time for THE X-FILES to End?


Batman – Revisiting The Dark Knight of the 90s

Spoiler-Free Review: STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI

Setting the Record Straight on THE HOBBIT Trilogy

Keeping Your Expectations in Check for THE LAST JEDI

Beginner’s Guide to THE X-FILES: Prepare for the New Series!

A Closer Look at STAR WARS: THE COMPLETE SAGA on Blu-ray

Top 10 Geek Films of the Last Decade (2000-2009)

Top 10 Memories of Anticipating THE PHANTOM MENACE



Feel free to click through the “Categories” menu on the right to peruse through 10 years of history!

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