A Sequel to “District 9”?

Source: Fangoria

After the surprise success of the film District 9 (read my review here) this past weekend, it is no suprise that people are talking a sequel – including director Neil Blomkamp himself!

“I’d love to make a sequel, because it’s so creatively rewarding to me; there’s just something about [the story]… It’s my background mixed with the science fiction that I loved. I’d really like to go back to the world of DISTRICT 9—which, without Sharlto’s character [Wikus van der Merwe], would be a very different kind of movie. So I think automatically the two of us will be reunited again, should the public decide that this film is something they want to see and it’s successful.”

Is a sequel such a good idea? I know that many people who didn’t like the ending would welcome a sequel with open arms. For me personally, because I’m a sucker for sequels and seeing more of something I enjoyed, I would go see it. However, because this movie was so unique in its approach to film making, I wonder if a sequel would not have the same impact as the first. This movie captured lightning in a bottle. It’d be really difficult to do that again.

I also think the ending is fine the way it is and makes the audience feel exactly what the main character is feeling at that moment [spoiler alert] when he has to deal with being a “prawn” himself and has to trust Christopher Johnson that he will return in three years to reverse what happened to him and turn him back into a human again [end spoiler alert].

I am anxiously awaiting further details on this news story. Click here to read more of the interview at Fangoria, which also dives into what Neil Blomkamp intends to film next.

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