Source: FirstShowing.Net | /Film | Trailer Addict | YouTube

Three new movie trailers have arrived, one that I’m extremely excited about and two that I’m not so hyped up on but am mildly interested in.

The first is the Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. This marks the second trailer for the Ben Stiller family comedy, due out May 22nd. I enjoyed the first one, and I think I will probably enjoy at least some of the sequel. I’m just not quite sure how this movie will really expand on the first one’s premise, other than by loading it with more statues and exhibits that come to life. I’m just afraid that this is going to be a mess with too much stuff going on. But, of course I won’t know until I see it. It does look funny.

The second is the trailer for G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (August 7th). Now, while I think this looks exciting, I’m still not convinced that Stephen Sommers is the best guy for directing this. While I enjoyed his Mummy movies for what they were, they didn’t really pay respect to the original 1932 Boris Karloff Mummy film that Sommers claimed was his inspiration. My fear is that the new G.I. Joe film is going to do the same thing. Saying that, I’ve seen the original 1932 Mummy film more than I have the G.I. Joe cartoon, so I may not notice. And I’m sure that Ray Park (Darth Maul from The Phantom Menace and Toad from X-Men) will be awesome as Snake Eyes.

And the third is for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (June 24th). Michael Bay did not fail us with the last one. It was a superb, action-packed sci-fi popcorn flick. This new trailer shows that we’re getting more of that. But unlike the newest Night at the Museum trailer, this looks like the plot will be different enough to keep us interested and on the edge of our seats. I frickin’ love Michael Bay.

1 Comment


    Richard Geer said

    May 8 2009

    This looks freakin’ amazing! I can’t wait for this to come out but Lots of other stuff to see including the new “Trek”, that has lots of good buzz, this weekend.

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