
Star Wars_ESB_Crawl

Posted By: Dan Geer
Remember back in 2008, when Louisiana grad student Brent Budden created a Star Wars Crawl Creator using Flash, in which you could enter any text you wanted and it would generate it into the style of the opening crawl of the Star Wars films? Well, that program became so popular that was taken down not too long after it was created due to copyright issues. However, Lucasfilm saw a great opportunity with the program and decided to create their own version, inspired by Budden’s original work. Read on to find out more!


From Budden:

“This was always something I had in the back of my head, because I’m a big Star Wars fan and I’ve seen people do their own crawls for fan-made videos,” explained Budden. “So, I knew there are people who want to do this, but I figured there had to be an easier way to do it… For the first week, I didn’t see a whole lot of hits. But it got posted to the right blog, and about one week into it, I noticed the counter started going crazy. We started getting 10,000 hits an hour.”

From Lucasfilm:

“There have been a number of crawl generators made over the years, but Brent’s work was what inspired our team at to create our own. And we took the idea of a crawl generator to the next level with an easy Facebook integration and other advanced features,” said Bill Gannon, Director of Digital Media at Lucasfilm.

Click here to use the official Lucasfilm Star Wars crawl generator!

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