Written By: Dan Geer


Almost every Saturday night, I get together with friends and family to watch episodes of The X-Files – projected onto a big screen (well, a wall actually). Sometimes, we follow it up with an old-school sci-fi or horror flick, but it seems that, as of late, we’ve been watching a lot of X-Files episodes! So, for your viewing pleasure, I’ve taken a few photos (to the best of my camera’s ability) of what a typical Saturday night looks like for us.

Here are just a few of the photos I took of our X-Files Nights:
(click to view larger versions)




I started watching The X-Files when it first aired on September 10th, 1993 – when I was only 13 years old. It was the perfect age to be introduced to one of the most ground-breaking television shows ever created. It had aliens, monsters, ghosts, government conspiracies, UFOs – just the right recipe to satisfy my addiction to sci-fi and horror at that age. I was also fascinated by the world of the unexplained, and this was the perfect escape into that universe for me as a young, young teenager – albeit a fictional one.

I literally grew up on The X-Files. It began at the start of my teenage years, and ended when I was in college when I was almost 22. A person goes through so many experiences, so many changes during this period of one’s life. And yet, this show stood in as one constant for me during that time – never changing and always there providing a way of escaping the difficulties of dealing with school, fitting in, etc. It was simple “comfort food” for me.

There has never been a show quite like The X-Files, nor has there been since. It is so cool that I now get to share this great show with those who have not seen it in its entirety, or perhaps not at all. There are those in my family who were literally just brought into this world when the show first aired and were not old enough to experience it then. Now, since the advent of TV shows on DVD, I get to bring it to them. Not only that, but we are blessed to be able to project this fine show onto a big screen to produce a more cinematic experience. It’s almost as if I’m experiencing the show for the first time.

Before LOST, before Fringe, before TV shows in general took on a more film-like quality to them – there was The X-Files. It was the show that started it all, changing television forever. One can only hope that a third X-Files film is still on the horizon…

To quote Fox Mulder – “Maybe there’s hope.”

Update: Big Light, X-Files Producer Frank Spotnitz’s social networking site, has just posted a link to this article! You can check it out here.

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